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Der APT-Proxy kann man mit einem normalen Proxy vergleichen.
Er verwaltet jedoch die Debian-Pakete effektiver. Die Einrichtung ist
recht einfach.


Diese Dokumentation bezieht sich auf:

Debian Sarge


# apt-get update
# apt-get install apt-proxy


;; All times are in seconds, but you can add a suffix
;; for minutes(m), hours(h) or days(d)
;; Server IP to listen on
address =

;; Server port to listen on
port = 9999
;; Control files (Packages/Sources/Contents) refresh rate
;; Minimum time between attempts to refresh a file
min_refresh_delay = 1h
;; Minimum age of a file before attempting an update (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
;min_age = 23h
;; Uncomment to make apt-proxy continue downloading even if all
;; clients disconnect.  This is probably not a good idea on a
;; dial up line.
;; complete_clientless_downloads = 1
;; Debugging settings.
;; for all debug information use this:
;; debug = all:9
debug = all:4 db:0
;; Debugging remote python console
;; Do not enable in an untrusted environment
;telnet_port = 9998
;telnet_user = apt-proxy
;telnet_password = secret
;; Network timeout when retrieving from backend servers
timeout = 15
;; Cache directory for apt-proxy
cache_dir = /var/cache/apt-proxy
;; Use passive FTP? (default=on)
;passive_ftp = on 
;; Use HTTP proxy?
;http_proxy = host:port
;; Enable HTTP pipelining within apt-proxy (for test purposes)